Results for 'Najeeb Mitry Saleeby'

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  1.  58
    The Language of Education of the Philippine Islands.Frank R. Blake & Najeeb Mitry Saleeby - 1926 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 46:61.
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    The metacolonial state: Pakistan, critical ontology, and the biopolitical horizons of political Islam.Najeeb A. Jan - 2019 - Hoboken, NJ: Wiley.
    'An urgent and extraordinary book. Weaving a philosophical analysis of Heidegger, Agamben and Foucault, Jan draws out the implications of their thought for a radical analysis of the ontological politics of Islam and Pakistan. Whether writing about the 'Ulama and Deoband schools, blasphemy laws, the military, beards, or the Bamiyan Buddhas, Jan provokes and challenges our thinking while unearthing the ground on which Pakistan—and our world—are built.' —Joel Wainwright, Department of Geography, Ohio State University, USA 'In this exceptionally inventive and (...)
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    Between subordination and koinonia: Toward a new reading of the cappadocian theology1.Najeeb G. Awad - 2007 - Modern Theology 23 (2):181-204.
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    Time/History, Self-disclosure and Anticipation: Pannenberg, Heidegger and the Question of Metaphysics.Najeeb G. Awad - 2011 - Sophia 50 (1):113-133.
    This essay examines Wolfhart Pannenberg’s defense of metaphysics’ foundational importance for philosophy and theology. Among all the modern philosophers whose claims Pannenberg challenges, Martin Heidegger’s discourse against Western metaphysics receives the major portion of criticism. The first thing one concludes from this criticism is an affirmation of a wide intellectual gap that separates Pannenberg’s thought from Heidegger’s, as if each stands at the very opposite corner of the other’s school of thought. The questions this essay tackles are: is this seemingly (...)
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  5. Eighteenth-century application of music therapy in the field of psychiatry: The reasoning of Luigi Desbout (1780).G. L. Di Mitri - 1997 - History and Philosophy of the Life Sciences 19 (2):237-256.
  6. Scienza sistematica e tecnologia empirica in Antonio Minasi.Gino Leonardo Di Mitri - 2008 - Bollettino Del Centro di Studi Vichiani 38 (2):39-46.
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    Bethlehem besieged: stories of hope in times of trouble.Mitri Raheb - 2008 - HTS Theological Studies 64 (3):1566-1567.
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    Social Behavior: From Cooperation to Language.Sara Mitri, Julien Hubert & Markus Waibel - 2008 - Biological Theory 3 (2):99-102.
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    Age and sex differences in discrimination learning.Mitri E. Shanab & Faith H. Mcclure - 1983 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 21 (5):387-390.
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    Effects of signaled shifts in water reinforcement.Mitri E. Shanab, Orna Molayem & Gene Steinhauer - 1982 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 19 (4):241-244.
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    Psychology of parenthood.C. W. Saleeby - 1909 - The Eugenics Review 1 (1):37.
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    Racial poisons, II., alcohol.C. W. Saleeby - 1910 - The Eugenics Review 2 (1):30.
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    The effects of repeated shifts in magnitude of food reward upon the barpress rate in the rat.Mitri E. Shanab, Julia Domino & Linda Ralph - 1978 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 12 (1):29-31.
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    The effects of contrast upon compliance with socially undesirable requests in the foot-in-the-door paradigm.Mitri E. Shanab & Steven A. Isonio - 1982 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 20 (3):180-182.
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    Evolution, the master-key.Caleb Williams Saleeby - 1906 - New York,: Harper & brothers.
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    Review of Moral Transformation in Greco-Roman Philosophy of Mind: Mapping the Moral Milieu of the Apostle Paul and his Diaspora Jewish Contemporaries, by Max J. Lee. [REVIEW]Najeeb T. Haddad - 2022 - Ancient Philosophy 42 (1):322-325.
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    A cross-cultural study of obedience.Mitri E. Shanab & Khawla A. Yahya - 1978 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 11 (4):267-269.
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  18.  32
    The effects of shifts in delay of liquid sucrose reward in thirsty rats.Mitri E. Shanab, Julia Domino & Saimi Melrose - 1977 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 10 (4):287-290.
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    Negative contrast as a function of downshifts in magnitude of sucrose concentrations in thirsty rats.Mitri E. Shanab, Ted Young & John France - 1975 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 5 (5):381-384.
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    Positive contrast obtained in rats following a shift in schedule, delay, and magnitude of reward.Mitri E. Shanab & Gerald Cavallaro - 1975 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 5 (2):109-112.
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    Positive transfer between nonreward and delay.Mitri E. Shanab - 1971 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 91 (1):98.
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    Contrast effects as a function of delay and shifts in magnitude of water reward in thirsty rats.Robert E. Spencer & Mitri E. Shanab - 1979 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 13 (2):93-96.
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    Number of dimensions, stimulus constancy, and reinforcement in a pseudo concept-identification task.John W. Cotton & Mitri E. Shanab - 1968 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 76 (3p1):464.
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  24. Leninskoto razbirane na dialekticheskoto protivorechie: kritika na antimarksistkite kont︠s︡ept︠s︡ii.Mitri︠u︡ I︠A︡nkov (ed.) - 1988 - Sofii︠a︡: Izd-vo na Bŭlgarskata akademii︠a︡ na naukite.
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  25. Materialisticheskata dialektika protiv irat︠s︡ionalizma.Mitri︠u︡ I︠A︡nkov - 1989 - Sofii︠a︡: Partizdat.
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  26. Osnovni techenii︠a︡ na sŭvremennata burzhoazna filosofii︠a︡.Mitri︠u︡ I︠A︡nkov - 1989 - Sofii︠a︡: Dŭrzh. izd-vo "Nar. prosveta". Edited by Marii︠a︡ Nikolova.
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  27. Poznavatelnii︠a︡t t︠s︡ikŭl: sŭshtnost i struktura.Mitri︠u︡ I︠A︡nkov - 1981 - Sofii︠a︡: Nauka i izkustvo.
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    Effects of signaled shifts in liquid reinforcement.Mitri E. Shanab, Orna Molayem, Arthur C. Gordon & Gene Steinhauer - 1981 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 18 (5):263-266.
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    Incentive contrast following repeated shifts in magnitude of food reward in the Skinner box.Mitrie Shanab, Jeff Kong & Julia Domino - 1977 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 9 (1):47-50.
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    Negative contrast effect obtained with downshifts in magnitude but not concentration of solid sucrose reward.Mitri E. Shanab, John France & Ted Young - 1975 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 5 (5):429-432.
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    Positive and negative contrast effects obtained following shifts in delayed water reward.Mitri E. Shanab & Robert E. Spencer - 1978 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 12 (3):199-202.
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    The effects of delay upon compliance with socially undesirable requests in the door-in-the-face paradigm.Mitri E. Shanab & Steven A. Isonio - 1980 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 15 (2):76-78.
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    The partial reinforcement effect sustained through blocks of continuous water reinforcement.Mitrie Shanab, Saimi Melrose & Ted Young - 1975 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 6 (3):261-264.
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    A comparison of reversal and extradimensional shifts in Jordanian children.Mitri E. Shanab & Abdallah Baker Yasin - 1978 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 11 (2):109-111.
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    The effects of self-perception and perceptual contrast upon compliance with socially undesirable requests.Mitri E. Shanab & Pamela J. O’Neill - 1982 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 19 (5):279-281.
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    Contrast effects as a function of shifts in delay of water reward.Hugh J. Ferrell & Mitri E. Shanab - 1975 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 5 (5):417-420.
  37. (1 other version)Filosofsko poznanie--sŭshtnost, razvitie, funkt︠s︡ii.Mitri︠u︡ I︠A︡nkov (ed.) - 1988 - Sofii︠a︡: Nauka i izkustvo.
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  38. Konstruktivna kritika i rat︠s︡ionalno upravlenie: sŭshtnost i sot︠s︡ialni funkt︠s︡ii na kritikata.Mitri︠u︡ I︠A︡nkov - 1983 - Sofii︠a︡: Nauka i izkustvo.
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  39. Materii︠a︡, informat︠s︡ii︠a︡, otrazhenie: filosofsko-metodologicheski kontroverzii.Mitri︠u︡ I︠A︡nkov - 1984 - Sofii︠a︡: Izd-vo na Bŭlgarskata akademii︠a︡ na naukite.
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  40. Modelirane i otrazhenie.Mitri︠u︡ I︠A︡nkov - 1973
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  41. Nauka i obshtestvo: kŭm kritikata na burzhoaznite i revizionistki filosofsko-ideologichni vŭzgledi.Mitri︠u︡ I︠A︡nkov (ed.) - 1982 - Sofii︠a︡: Izd-vo na Bŭlgarskata akademii︠a︡ na naukite.
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  42. Nauchnoto poznanie--sŭshtnost i sot︠s︡ialni funkt︠s︡ii: [monogr.Mitri︠u︡ I︠A︡nkov (ed.) - 1979 - Sofii︠a︡: Nauka i izkustvo.
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  43. Aktualni problemi na marksisko-leninskata teorii︠a︡ na poznanieto.Mitri︠u︡ I︠A︡nkov - 1974
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  44. Nauka i ideologii︠a︡: kritika na burzhoazni i revizionistichni kont︠s︡ept︠s︡ii.Mitri︠u︡ I︠A︡nkov (ed.) - 1983 - Sofii︠a︡: Nauka i izkustvo.
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  45. Revoli︠u︡t︠s︡ii︠a︡, dialektika, sot︠s︡ializŭm: Oktomvriĭskata revoli︠u︡t︠s︡ii︠a︡ i sŭvremennata ideĭno-filosofska borba.Mitri︠u︡ I︠A︡nkov - 1987 - Sofii︠a︡: Izd-vo Nauka i izkustvo.
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    The Surprising Creativity of Digital Evolution: A Collection of Anecdotes From the Evolutionary Computation and Artificial Life Research Communities.Joel Lehman, Jeff Clune, Dusan Misevic, Christoph Adami, Julie Beaulieu, Peter Bentley, Bernard J., Belson Samuel, Bryson Guillaume, M. David, Nick Cheney, Antoine Cully, Stephane Donciuex, Fred Dyer, Ellefsen C., Feldt Kai Olav, Fischer Robert, Forrest Stephan, Frénoy Stephanie, Gagneé Antoine, Goff Christian, Grabowski Leni Le, M. Laura, Babak Hodjat, Laurent Keller, Carole Knibbe, Peter Krcah, Richard Lenski, Lipson E., MacCurdy Hod, Maestre Robert, Miikkulainen Carlos, Mitri Risto, Moriarty Sara, E. David, Jean-Baptiste Mouret, Anh Nguyen, Charles Ofria, Marc Parizeau, David Parsons, Robert Pennock, Punch T., F. William, Thomas Ray, Schoenauer S., Shulte Marc, Sims Eric, Stanley Karl, O. Kenneth, Fran\C. Cois Taddei, Danesh Tarapore, Simon Thibault, Westley Weimer, Richard Watson & Jason Yosinksi - 2018 - CoRR.
    Biological evolution provides a creative fount of complex and subtle adaptations, often surprising the scientists who discover them. However, because evolution is an algorithmic process that transcends the substrate in which it occurs, evolution’s creativity is not limited to nature. Indeed, many researchers in the field of digital evolution have observed their evolving algorithms and organisms subverting their intentions, exposing unrecognized bugs in their code, producing unexpected adaptations, or exhibiting outcomes uncannily convergent with ones in nature. Such stories routinely reveal (...)
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    Filosofii︠a︡ khumanizŭm, ideologicheska borba.G. Girginov, Dei͡a︡n Pavlov & Mitri͡u︡ I͡a︡nkov (eds.) - 1973 - Nauka I Izkustvo.
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  48. Jean Mitry.Brian Lewis - 2008 - In Paisley Livingston & Carl R. Plantinga, The Routledge Companion to Philosophy and Film. New York: Routledge.
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  49. Saleeby, C. W. - The Progress Of Eugenics. [REVIEW]M. Davidson - 1917 - Scientia 11 (22):318.
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    Jean Mitry, Semiotics and the Analysis of Film (2000). [REVIEW]Anthony Flinn - 2001 - American Journal of Semiotics 17 (3):267-269.
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